25156 St Croix Trail North, Shafer MN 55074
Mailing Address: PO Box 175, Shafer MN 55074

Franconia Town Hall, 2011, with new roof.

click here for some Franconia Township history!


click here for some Franconia Township history!

Welcome to Franconia Township!

Town Notices/Info:

* PLEASE NOTE that, due to the Primary Election that will take place on August 13, 2024, the Franconia Township Board Meeting for August, 2024, will be moved to August 14, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
* Hometown Internet is offering a higher speed internet solution for Franconia Township residents.  To get a free test to see if this solution would work at your residence, please call Hometown Internet at 651-257-6200.  You can also find out more information at hometowninternet.com - click the Service Areas dropdown and slection Chisago County.
* Franconia Township Snow Removal Policy - click here
* Franconia Township Bituminous Policy - click here
* The Township Board meetings are the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.  Please check the calendar below for new dates.



Map is from Plat Book of Chisago County Minnesota, C.M. Foote & Co. 1888


  • Franconia Township Board Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm, at the Franconia Town Hall.

  • NOTE:  Driveway Permits are now handled by Lee Cartier.  It is no longer handled by the County.  For Driveway Permits contact:  Lee, 651-257-8291.

  • To Obtain a Burning Permit, click here


This is the official website for the Township of Franconia, Minnesota.
Copyright 2010 Town of Franconia MN.  All rights reserved.
Site Designed by LMEK Graphics & Designs
